The concept for DAKOTA DOWNSIZING really started in 2010. I had spent a month in ND entrusted with hospice care for my mother and began the process of sorting family possessions.
Three months later, I was helping a real estate agent downsize a packed townhouse for her aging stepfather. So often, the clients that followed had lived in their homes for 40+ years, with no family in the area to help them transition to their new retirement community.
From this commitment and compassion to help the elderly, a unique service evolved using my organizing skills and enjoyment of coordinating large projects. I love listening to the stories from seniors as we uncover items in their homes. And more than that, seeing the joy you bring after discovering a cherished family keepsake hidden in the most unlikely place.
Eileen Golian
Dakota Downsizing
Howard County, Maryland
Singing in church choir is my other passion. From there I began to cantor at mass, funerals and weddings.